Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Mer 18 Jan 2023 - 9:28
La milice de Vienne (Wiener Bürger-Corps)
Les citoyens de Vienne ou simplement ceux qui n'avaient plus de devoirs militaires s'enrôlaient dans le corps spécial de la milice de la ville. L'enrôlement ne concernait que les volontaires, qui juraient de défendre la ville en cas d'attaque ou de danger.
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Figurines Hagen au 1/72
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1er Régiment de ville Seuls les vrais citoyens de Vienne et les nobles étaient admis dans ce régiment.
Les citoyens de Vienne ou simplement ceux qui n'avaient plus de devoirs militaires s'enrôlaient dans le corps spécial de la milice de la ville. L'enrôlement ne concernait que les volontaires, qui juraient de défendre la ville en cas d'attaque ou de danger.
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
Figurines Hagen au 1/72
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1er Régiment de ville Seuls les vrais citoyens de Vienne et les nobles étaient admis dans ce régiment.
- titi
- Messages : 7720
Date d'inscription : 27/01/2012
Age : 106
Localisation : Bretagne
Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Mer 18 Jan 2023 - 10:06
Superbe! Mais déçu, vu le titre je m'attendais à les voir habillés comme Ronald Mac Donalds...
Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Mer 18 Jan 2023 - 10:53
titi a écrit:Superbe! Mais déçu, vu le titre je m'attendais à les voir habillés comme Ronald Mac Donalds...
Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Mer 18 Jan 2023 - 12:02
Bonjour Borodino
Voilà des figurines peintes avec minutie !
Est-il normal que la banderole d'un fusilier (sous-officier ?) ne soit pas blanche ?
Ces citoyens viennois qui sont donc plus proches du café que du jambon (ham) ont-ils participé à la bataille d'Essling ?
Une belle planche que je ne connaissais pas, je présume qu'il n'y avait pas de légende indiquant les différentes unités ?
Voilà des figurines peintes avec minutie !
Est-il normal que la banderole d'un fusilier (sous-officier ?) ne soit pas blanche ?
Ces citoyens viennois qui sont donc plus proches du café que du jambon (ham) ont-ils participé à la bataille d'Essling ?
Une belle planche que je ne connaissais pas, je présume qu'il n'y avait pas de légende indiquant les différentes unités ?
L'usage militaire est de mettre une majuscule aux unités que l'on précise (le IIe Corps, la Division Jérôme…) et une minuscule dans les autres cas (un corps d'armée comprend plusieurs divisions).
La règle Silex & Baïonnette : son Site et son Forum
Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Mer 18 Jan 2023 - 12:38
J’ai utilisé ce texte :
The Vienna Militia (Wiener Bürger-Corps)
The citizens of Vienna or simply those who had no more military duties and were free from 1805-06 enlisted in the special Militia Corps of the city. This was a traditional very ancient corps (since the 1529 turkish siege) which originally had 4 companies, each with the name of a Vienna district (canton) Stuben, Schotten, Widmer and Kärnthen. The enlistment was only for volunteers, who swore to defend the city in case of hostile attack or danger. The Militia had also its own cavalry, which was abandoned in 1740 but again raised in 1805.
The City Council (the Mayor was also the Oberst of the Militia) armed its soldiers, but they had to provide to the uniforms by themselves.
The Staff of the WBK (Wiener Bürger Korps) was the following: Oberst, Oberstlieutenant, 2 Majore, Caplan, Stabs-Adjutant with Captain rank, Regiments-Adjutant with Ist Lieutenant rank, Regimentsarzt, Capellmeister, Stabs-Fourier, Regiments-Tambour. They had blue waistcoats with red facings.
1st City Regiment
In it were allowed only true citizens of Vienna and nobles. The uniform had blue waistcoats, red facings, white breeches in summer, grey "russian" pants with red lining in winter. Its 8 companies (2 Battalions) had to defend the inner city of Vienna (not the imperial court which had its own Guards).
2nd City Regiment
The Second could enlist also house proprietors from suburbs, manufacturers, artisans, employees etc. It had also 8 companies (2
Battalions). The uniform was dark green with blue facings.
City Cavalry
It had around 260 horses, so a Division. It recruited also in the suburbs and in the closest towns. Their uniform was blue with red facings and gold buttons (in Parade they wore epaulettes, white breeches and high boots, in campaign they had no epaulettes or garments, riding pants and common boots). The Division was made of two squadrons each with 4 Züge.
The Cit Grenadier Battalion
It was a Battalion of around 650 grenadiers (Staff apart) made by three Divisions. The Ist Division came from the Ist City regiment: dark blue waistcoat, scarlet red facings, golden epaulettes, golden buttons and white breeches. The 2nd Division was attached to the Sharpshooters (Scharfschützen Corps) and came from the same social environment of the 2nd regiment. It had dark green coats, scarket red facings, epaulettes, golden buttons and white breeches. The 3rd Division came from the 2nd regiment and was composed only by authorized personnel. It had dark grey coats, sky blue facings, white buttons and white breeches with gaiters.
The Sharpshooters
The correct title was K.K. priv. ritterlich-bürgerliches Scharfschützen-Corps and was composed by all social classes and authorized citizens who had honorary mentions. Gala uniform: dark green waistcoat, scarlet red facings, golden buttons and epaulettes, white breeches, military boots, bicorn reversed hats with green and gold rosettes, one golden band with, at its end, a hunting horn, which had in the middle a golden button with the letters F.I. surrounder by laurel symbol. The hats had a classic black-yellow plume.
Campaign uniform: coat and breeches dark grey, dark green facings and piping (shoulder straps). They were armed with the 63 cm Stutzen, steel sabre with golden-black porte d'epée, the powder-horn and cartridge bag.
The Bombers (Bürgen artillerie ombardiers Corps)
Wore bicorns, blue uniforms with red facings and white breeches. They managed the gun of the fortress and on the city walls.
The Academy of Arts Battalion (Corps der bildenden Künstler)
It had four companies of students who wore green coats and cherry red facings, golden buttons and white breeches.
Et pour le sous-officier j’ai fait avec la planche
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Je ne pense pas que ces milices étaient présentes à Essling, mais plutôt les volontaires de Vienne.
Mais je trouve ceux là bien plus beaux
Volunteers of Vienna - Wiener Freiwillige
1st Battalion - Major Count Emmanuel Bigot de St Quentin
Before Aspern: in Brigade Rothhacker, Division Reuss Plauen, V Corps then Brigade Albrecht, Division Dedovich, VI Corps. Later in the Brigade Nordmann, autonomous, VI Corps. All volunteers Battalions of Vienna took part at the defence of Ebelsberg.
At Aspern: Brigade Nordmann, Avant-garde VI Corps
At Wagram: with the Brigade Mariassy, Division Vincent, Avant-garde I Wing VI Corps After Wagram: with the Brigade Wallmoden, Division Vincent, VI Corps.
2nd Battalion - Oberst Baron August Steigentesch also commander of the Volunteers group.
Before Aspern: in Brigade Rothhacker, Division Reuss Plauen, V Corps then Brigade Albrecht, Division Dedovich, VI Corps. Later Brigade Nordmann ,autonomous, VI. Corps.
At Aspern: Brigade Nordmann, Avantgarde, VI Corps
At Wagram: Brigade Máriassy, Division Vincent, Avant-garde Reserve Wing VI Corps After Wagram: with the Brigade Wallmoden, Division Vincent, VI Corp 3rd Battalion - Major Count Franz Waldstein
Before Aspern: in the Brigade Rothhacker, Division Reuss Plauen, V Corps then Brigade Albrecht, Division Dedovich, VI Corps.
Later with the Brigade Bianchi, Division Kottulinsky, VI Corps.
At Aspern: Brigade Hoffmeister, Division Kottulinsky, VI Corps then Brigade Bianchi, Division Vincent, VI Corps At Wagram: attached to Brigade Splényi, Division Kottulinsky, VI Corps 4th Battalion - Oberstlieutenant Johann Küffel von Küffelstein
Before Aspern: part of the Brigade Provenchères, Division Vincent, VI Corps then Brigade Albrecht, Division Dedovich, VI Corps.
Later with the Brigade Hohenfeldt, Division Kottulinsky, VI Corps.
At Aspern: in the Brigade Hohenfeldt, Division Kottulinsky, VI Corps At Wagram: with the Brigade Splényi, Division Kottulinsky, VI Corps.
5th Battalion Major Count Rudolf Salis-Gigers (Zizers)
Before Aspern: with the Brigade Provenchères, Division Vincent, VI Corps then Brigade Albrecht, Division Dedovich, VI Corps.
Later part of an autonomous brigade of VI Corps.
At Aspern: in an autonomous brigade of VI Corps.
At Wagram: in the Brigade Pfluger, autonomous, V Corps then in the same Brigade Pfluger, Division Weissenwolff, V Corps After Wagram: always with Brigade Pfluger, autonomous, V Corps.
6th Battalion - Major Chevalier Anton Managetta und Lerchenau
Before Aspern: with the Brigade Provenchères, Division Vincent, VI Korps then in the Brigade Albrecht, Division Dedovich, VI
Korps. This Battalion was sent to Vienna as prisoner on "Parole".
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
The Vienna Militia (Wiener Bürger-Corps)
The citizens of Vienna or simply those who had no more military duties and were free from 1805-06 enlisted in the special Militia Corps of the city. This was a traditional very ancient corps (since the 1529 turkish siege) which originally had 4 companies, each with the name of a Vienna district (canton) Stuben, Schotten, Widmer and Kärnthen. The enlistment was only for volunteers, who swore to defend the city in case of hostile attack or danger. The Militia had also its own cavalry, which was abandoned in 1740 but again raised in 1805.
The City Council (the Mayor was also the Oberst of the Militia) armed its soldiers, but they had to provide to the uniforms by themselves.
The Staff of the WBK (Wiener Bürger Korps) was the following: Oberst, Oberstlieutenant, 2 Majore, Caplan, Stabs-Adjutant with Captain rank, Regiments-Adjutant with Ist Lieutenant rank, Regimentsarzt, Capellmeister, Stabs-Fourier, Regiments-Tambour. They had blue waistcoats with red facings.
1st City Regiment
In it were allowed only true citizens of Vienna and nobles. The uniform had blue waistcoats, red facings, white breeches in summer, grey "russian" pants with red lining in winter. Its 8 companies (2 Battalions) had to defend the inner city of Vienna (not the imperial court which had its own Guards).
2nd City Regiment
The Second could enlist also house proprietors from suburbs, manufacturers, artisans, employees etc. It had also 8 companies (2
Battalions). The uniform was dark green with blue facings.
City Cavalry
It had around 260 horses, so a Division. It recruited also in the suburbs and in the closest towns. Their uniform was blue with red facings and gold buttons (in Parade they wore epaulettes, white breeches and high boots, in campaign they had no epaulettes or garments, riding pants and common boots). The Division was made of two squadrons each with 4 Züge.
The Cit Grenadier Battalion
It was a Battalion of around 650 grenadiers (Staff apart) made by three Divisions. The Ist Division came from the Ist City regiment: dark blue waistcoat, scarlet red facings, golden epaulettes, golden buttons and white breeches. The 2nd Division was attached to the Sharpshooters (Scharfschützen Corps) and came from the same social environment of the 2nd regiment. It had dark green coats, scarket red facings, epaulettes, golden buttons and white breeches. The 3rd Division came from the 2nd regiment and was composed only by authorized personnel. It had dark grey coats, sky blue facings, white buttons and white breeches with gaiters.
The Sharpshooters
The correct title was K.K. priv. ritterlich-bürgerliches Scharfschützen-Corps and was composed by all social classes and authorized citizens who had honorary mentions. Gala uniform: dark green waistcoat, scarlet red facings, golden buttons and epaulettes, white breeches, military boots, bicorn reversed hats with green and gold rosettes, one golden band with, at its end, a hunting horn, which had in the middle a golden button with the letters F.I. surrounder by laurel symbol. The hats had a classic black-yellow plume.
Campaign uniform: coat and breeches dark grey, dark green facings and piping (shoulder straps). They were armed with the 63 cm Stutzen, steel sabre with golden-black porte d'epée, the powder-horn and cartridge bag.
The Bombers (Bürgen artillerie ombardiers Corps)
Wore bicorns, blue uniforms with red facings and white breeches. They managed the gun of the fortress and on the city walls.
The Academy of Arts Battalion (Corps der bildenden Künstler)
It had four companies of students who wore green coats and cherry red facings, golden buttons and white breeches.
Et pour le sous-officier j’ai fait avec la planche
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
Je ne pense pas que ces milices étaient présentes à Essling, mais plutôt les volontaires de Vienne.
Mais je trouve ceux là bien plus beaux
Volunteers of Vienna - Wiener Freiwillige
1st Battalion - Major Count Emmanuel Bigot de St Quentin
Before Aspern: in Brigade Rothhacker, Division Reuss Plauen, V Corps then Brigade Albrecht, Division Dedovich, VI Corps. Later in the Brigade Nordmann, autonomous, VI Corps. All volunteers Battalions of Vienna took part at the defence of Ebelsberg.
At Aspern: Brigade Nordmann, Avant-garde VI Corps
At Wagram: with the Brigade Mariassy, Division Vincent, Avant-garde I Wing VI Corps After Wagram: with the Brigade Wallmoden, Division Vincent, VI Corps.
2nd Battalion - Oberst Baron August Steigentesch also commander of the Volunteers group.
Before Aspern: in Brigade Rothhacker, Division Reuss Plauen, V Corps then Brigade Albrecht, Division Dedovich, VI Corps. Later Brigade Nordmann ,autonomous, VI. Corps.
At Aspern: Brigade Nordmann, Avantgarde, VI Corps
At Wagram: Brigade Máriassy, Division Vincent, Avant-garde Reserve Wing VI Corps After Wagram: with the Brigade Wallmoden, Division Vincent, VI Corp 3rd Battalion - Major Count Franz Waldstein
Before Aspern: in the Brigade Rothhacker, Division Reuss Plauen, V Corps then Brigade Albrecht, Division Dedovich, VI Corps.
Later with the Brigade Bianchi, Division Kottulinsky, VI Corps.
At Aspern: Brigade Hoffmeister, Division Kottulinsky, VI Corps then Brigade Bianchi, Division Vincent, VI Corps At Wagram: attached to Brigade Splényi, Division Kottulinsky, VI Corps 4th Battalion - Oberstlieutenant Johann Küffel von Küffelstein
Before Aspern: part of the Brigade Provenchères, Division Vincent, VI Corps then Brigade Albrecht, Division Dedovich, VI Corps.
Later with the Brigade Hohenfeldt, Division Kottulinsky, VI Corps.
At Aspern: in the Brigade Hohenfeldt, Division Kottulinsky, VI Corps At Wagram: with the Brigade Splényi, Division Kottulinsky, VI Corps.
5th Battalion Major Count Rudolf Salis-Gigers (Zizers)
Before Aspern: with the Brigade Provenchères, Division Vincent, VI Corps then Brigade Albrecht, Division Dedovich, VI Corps.
Later part of an autonomous brigade of VI Corps.
At Aspern: in an autonomous brigade of VI Corps.
At Wagram: in the Brigade Pfluger, autonomous, V Corps then in the same Brigade Pfluger, Division Weissenwolff, V Corps After Wagram: always with Brigade Pfluger, autonomous, V Corps.
6th Battalion - Major Chevalier Anton Managetta und Lerchenau
Before Aspern: with the Brigade Provenchères, Division Vincent, VI Korps then in the Brigade Albrecht, Division Dedovich, VI
Korps. This Battalion was sent to Vienna as prisoner on "Parole".
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Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Mer 18 Jan 2023 - 15:47
Merci pour cette réponse rapide et détaillée, Borodino.
Le sculpteur de la figurine de sous-officier lui a fait un fusil alors que sur l'image il a une carabine (pratique courante à l'époque chez plusieurs nations), d'où mon hésitation !
Merci aussi pour les extraits qui vont me permettre d'améliorer les ordres de bataille dont je dispose sur la bataille d'Aspern-Essling.
Le sculpteur de la figurine de sous-officier lui a fait un fusil alors que sur l'image il a une carabine (pratique courante à l'époque chez plusieurs nations), d'où mon hésitation !
Merci aussi pour les extraits qui vont me permettre d'améliorer les ordres de bataille dont je dispose sur la bataille d'Aspern-Essling.
L'usage militaire est de mettre une majuscule aux unités que l'on précise (le IIe Corps, la Division Jérôme…) et une minuscule dans les autres cas (un corps d'armée comprend plusieurs divisions).
La règle Silex & Baïonnette : son Site et son Forum
- Messages : 2481
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2016
Age : 68
Localisation : Deuil-La Barre (95)
Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Mer 18 Jan 2023 - 18:20
Mais comment fais-tu pour trouver encore des unités que tu n'as pas déjà (si bien) peintes ? Merci pour ces précisions historiques qui sortent de l'ordinaire.
Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Jeu 19 Jan 2023 - 8:36
Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Ven 20 Jan 2023 - 8:46
Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Ven 20 Jan 2023 - 11:40
Encore une unité que je découvre grâce à toi.
Peinture excellente, comme toujours.
Peinture excellente, comme toujours.
Ma chaîne YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVa1SjCZiOiWr2SweOs9ddg?view_as=public
- sergiofig
- Messages : 2023
Date d'inscription : 15/11/2014
Age : 55
Localisation : nyons
Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Sam 21 Jan 2023 - 14:59
Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Lun 23 Jan 2023 - 9:47
Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Mar 24 Jan 2023 - 8:37
- lopezp
- Messages : 2795
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2019
Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Mar 24 Jan 2023 - 19:20
Bonsoir, encore et toujours de belles unités, et de plus en plus pointues.
Bravo à notre Napolencyclopédie.
Bravo à notre Napolencyclopédie.
Re: Wiener Bürger-Corps en 1809 au 1/72
Mer 25 Jan 2023 - 8:28
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